Successful grants

In Round 2 2024/25 we are pleased to again progress our purpose which is to fund a thriving, impactful and resilient future for community broadcasting where it is at the heart of every community.

We received a combined total of 110 applications requesting $2,679,797.  This includes:

  • 62 Development & Operations applications requesting $1,821,622 – 35 applications have been offered funding totalling $606,433
  • 39 Content applications requesting $759,242 – 29 Content applications have been offered funding totalling $440,913
  • 9 Specialist Radio Programming applications requesting $98,933 – 9 applications have been offered funding totalling $76,183 (including ongoing ethnic programming totalling $65,463 and ongoing First Nations programming totalling $10,720)
  • 70 volunteer assessors were involved in assessing grants for this round of funding

Overall, we granted a total of $1,123,529 across 73 applications in Round 2 2024/25 funding, with a further $81,800 across 2 multi-year grants.

Details about individual grants are provided in our Grant allocations spreadsheet.

Don’t forget, you can always ask for feedback on your application from your Grants Support Team member.