
We are proud champions of community broadcasting – Australia’s largest independent media sector.

Each year the CBF receives funding from the Australian Government’s Community Broadcasting Program  to redistribute in grants to community media organisations, content producers and sector organisations.  Every year, we distribute more than $20 million in funding to strengthen and support over 450 community broadcasting services across Australia to communicate, connect and share knowledge with their communities through radio, television and digital media. This included First Nations, ethnic, LGBTIQ+ and print-disabled Australians, as well as others in our communities who are underrepresented in other media.  Our funding helps to connect people across the country, including over 5 million people who tune-in to their local radio station weekly.

Our funding decisions are guided by the sector-wide ten year plan for greater influence,  Roadmap 2033, the CBF Strategic Plan, guidelines for each of the grant streams as well as our own operational policies and guidelines.

Our funding supports organisations to enrich people’s lives with a diversity of choice in our media. We provide funding that helps produce local stories, news and cultural content reflecting the many perspectives, people and communities that make up Australia; to ensure community broadcasting is at the heart of every community. Our funding helps connect people, including more than five million Australians* who tune in to their local radio station weekly. *CBAA Community Radio Listener Survey, 2022.

Collaboration and partnership are central to the way we work, building on decades of strong relationships and expertise. Together with community broadcasters, content producers and sector organisations around the country, we are helping to build a thriving, impactful and resilient future for community media.

Across the CBF, we are united by our vision and values.

Our Values
Community broadcasting is at the heart of every community.

Our Values:
Community-minded — We care
Collaborative — We listen and work together
Inclusive — We embrace and celebrate diversity
Trusted — We work with integrity