Round 1 delivers $10.8+million

June 23, 2022

7 people posing with their hands out and didgeridoos

Community media organisations across Australia received a share of over $10.8 million in our first grants round for 2022/23.

The funding supports hundreds of inspiring ContentSpecialist Radio Programming and Development & Operations projects and activities that ensure community stories, information and entertainment are heard by millions of people across the country.

Projects range from new podcasts, films and radio shows that reflect the diversity of our community to digital infrastructure projects that ensure listeners can access their favourite content seamlessly from anywhere to sector-wide initiatives that support long-term capability and resilience.

Each grant round, we receive many more applications than we are able fund. This round we received 271 applications requesting $16.2 million.

Overall, we granted a total of $10,836,904 across 209 applications, including:

  •  40 Development & Operations grants totalling $600,546
  • 19 Content grants totalling $255,849
  • 17 Specialist Radio Programming grants totalling $124,200
  • 4 Sector Investment grant totalling $2,850,000.

Find out more about this round

View the list of organisations that received funding in our first grant round for 2022/23.

Read about some of the projects we are funding, as well as feedback from our assessors and grant applicants.

Next grant round

Our second Content and Development & Operations grants round for the year is opening next Monday 27 June at 9am. The grant round will close Tuesday 16 August 2022 at 2pm. If you have any questions or want to talk through your application idea, get in touch with the Grants Support Team member who looks after your area.

We’ll be publishing tips and other information during the round on our website and Facebook page. You can also keep up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter Broadcast.

Photo: 3KND at the Tamworth Festival in 2020. The station has received a CBF Content grant over three years to broadcast live from the Festival.


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