PAKAM – Pilbara and Kimberley Aboriginal Media (Technical support for five Remote Indigenous Media Organisations)
Five Remote Indigenous Media Organisations – Pilbara and Kimberley Aboriginal Media, Pintupi Anmatjerre Warlpiri Media and Communications, Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjtjara Media, Midwest Aboriginal Media Association (Radio MAMA) and Goolarri Media – all need reliable technical broadcast and IT support to maintain and manage thirty-three remote broadcast studios and transmission sites. They all need to upskill their local broadcasters and plan for future technological change. None of the application partners have funding provision to be able to employ a dedicated technician individually. Capable casual contractors prepared to travel to the very remote locations are increasingly hard to find, not readily available and are very expensive. A fulltime technician will be shared equally between the five organisations (equivalent to one day a week each) including the provision of on-call remote support and future development planning and 90 – 100 days of travel to remote locations.
4RGL Gladstone & District Christian Broadcasting Assn Inc (91.9 Fresh FM) (Transmission costs, generator and training)
Fresh FM is in need of urgent support for transmission costs, a generator to ensure long term viability of the station, have redundancy, be prepared to support the community in the case of natural disasters, and training to develop a quality volunteer workforce for the community.
Collie Community Broadcasting Association Inc (Collaborative Technician salary for seven stations in South West WA)
$165,000 a year for three years ($495,000)
To hire a shared technical support professional who will provide dedicated services to the stations in southwest WA. This initiative aims to enhance the technical capabilities, broadcast quality, and operational efficiency of the participating stations. The consortium of community radio stations, including Collie Community Radio, Harvey Community Radio, DBCR (Donnybrook), Denmark FM, and Bunbury Community Radio have limited capacity as individual stations to undertake these activities on their own, and have formed a strategic partnership with the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA). In addition to the initial group, other local stations are also considering joining the initiative. This collective effort is aligned with the ‘Roadmap 2033’. This plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for sector-wide development, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and shared resources.
7EDG Tasmanian Youth Broadcasters Inc. (Edge Radio) (Station manager business mentoring and transmission costs)
$35,000 in 2024/25, $32,000 in 2025/26 and $30,000 in 2026/27
To develop a business/leadership training/mentoring program for EDGE Radio’s Manager and support them to build on current programming made by women, the Aboriginal community, culturally diverse communities, people with a disability and LGBTQI+ people by developing events, training and programming to meet the needs of each cohort. The Manager will also establish and expand sustainable income streams and extend the partnership with the University of Tasmania (UTAS) to support student engagement and plan for a potential move to studio spaces as UTAS reorganises its campuses and student services.
Funding will also support increasing transmission costs.
3HOT Sunraysia Community Radio Association
This grant will support wages for a Station Manager to coordinate the operation of the station as well as ensure a consistent contact for community partners, volunteers and sponsors, enabling HOTFM to be more inclusive, diverse and accessible for their community. This role is also responsible for the management and training of volunteers to increase participation.
Funding will also support transmission costs and the purchase of new OB equipment to provide a reliable professional broadcasting service that encourages community participation, collaboration and sponsorship opportunities.
3HHH Horsham & District Community Radio (Replace Transmitter in Horsham)
This grant will replace a faulty transmitter that cannot transmit at the stations licensed output, works intermittently and cannot be repaired. A new transmitter will adequately allow greater output so the station can increase their output to the level approved by ACMA. Funding will also support an upgrade of their UPS and battery system to support the greater output and to upgrade the housing for the transmitter to be more weather and dust resistant.
5PBS Peterborough Broadcasting Service (Station Relocation Project)
5PBS is outgrowing the size of their very small station, with problems with conflicting studio bookings and the lack of a sound booth to record voice-overs. Their current location is also quite remote, dark and lonely. This grant will support the station to move into the centre of Peterborough, allowing more people to get involved. They’ll be situated next to the butcher and the hairdresser…surely the epicentre of any community!
2BACR (Connect FM 100.9) (Station Salaries to Support CALD Broadcasters and New Governance Documents)
To enable the station to continue its community engagement across many platforms, including outdoor broadcasts, social media, and station tours with various community groups and schools.
Over the last 18 months there have been prolonged periods where one of the two studios has not been operating which has disrupted the training and development of existing and new programs. Technical support to rectify breakdown issues promptly is required and to create a preventative maintenance program.
A number of key documents including the Strategic Plan, Constitution and Broadcasters Agreements need to be updated. Funding is required to review and update the Strategic Plan and 2BACR will be reaching out to CMTO for assistance in this area.
It has also been a difficult period post Covid 19, to recruit new volunteers, a crucial resource, as the Station’s requirements continue to grow, whether it be in increased community engagement, continued compliance requirements or supporting the Management Committee with various sub committees, all key areas ensuring the sustainability of the station into the future.
All these areas require specific considerations when engaging with the many cultural groups in the broadcast area.