Staff Professional Development

The work of the CBF involves working closely with and responding to the needs of the community broadcasting sector. In order for our staff to provide relevant and useful advice and support to grantees and grants advisory committees, and to have an engaged awareness of the evolving media landscape, the CBF is committed to providing relevant professional development opportunities for staff.

The CBF aims to support staff to continuously develop their understanding and experience of the structures, practices and values of community broadcasting stations and sector organisations.

The CBF also values its independence and has a strict Conflict of Interest Policy and procedure to ensure the work and reputation of the CBF is not compromised.

Strong networks, however, and activities that build such networks and adhere to the CBF’s strict conflict of interest criteria (including making declarations in the CBF Staff Conflict of Interest Register), are considered to be of benefit to the work of the CBF and the professional development of its staff.

The CBF Employment Agreement states CBF Staff should disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with CBF employment and ensure that others do the same.


The Staff Professional Development Policy: Sector Participation is intended to provide a framework to describe the different community broadcasting sector-based professional development opportunities available to staff, and to clarify the boundaries of what the CBF considers professional development, and what would be considered active involvement (and potentially a conflict of interest).


The CBF encourages professional development for staff in the following forms:

  • Attendance and active participation at sector-based conferences, workshops, training sessions and the presentation of relevant workshops or plenary sessions
  • Attendance at and active participation in sector-based social and networking gatherings such as radiothon launches, station fundraisers, station alumni gatherings, community broadcasting drinks, the Community Cup
  • Occasional (eg: yearly) involvement in a radio or television broadcast at a station – where possible, it is preferred that staff undertake such involvement on a rotating basis, i.e. at different stations each year
  • Occasional (e.g. yearly) involvement in a voluntary capacity in a community station radiothon phone-room, outside broadcast or special event, preferably on a rotating basis
  • Membership of stations and attendance at station, sector organisation or other grantee Annual General Meetings
  • Taking out subscriptions and/or making personal donations to community broadcasting organisations
  • Active listening / viewing of community broadcasting programs, which may include participating as an audience member through talk-back, texting on topic, or requesting songs.

Where Professional Development activities fall outside of the above, the CBF may approve specific professional development opportunities relevant to the business needs of the CBF and may approve financial assistance to the maximum amount of $1,000 per annum. For study assistance, refer to CBF Studies Assistance Policy.


Conflict of Interest

All CBF staff must declare any past and ongoing involvement with community stations at commencement of appointment and identify actual, or perceived, conflicts of interests. This includes completion of the CBF Staff Conflict of Interest Declaration Register, which must be counter-signed and approved by the CEO.

Where CBF staff have identified involvement – past or present – with a community station that may give rise to a reasonably apprehended or actual conflict of interest, staff should not be involved in any grant funding or project funding decision making. Where a staff role intersects with declared involvement with community stations, any funding discussions relating to grants or project development must involve the CEO or a delegate (authorised in writing by the CEO).

The CBF does not consider the following activities to be appropriate for staff to undertake:

  • Active participation in a voluntary capacity in a radio or television program that is funded through a CBF grant program, with the exception of active listening/viewing (as described above), or where the participation is acknowledging the contribution of the CBF
  • Ongoing active participation in paid roles within a station, sector organisation, or other grantee such as the presentation or production of regular radio or television programs, delivery of training, or membership on Boards, program or fundraising / grant committees
  • Exercising membership rights to vote at formal meetings, such as Annual, General, Special or Extraordinary Meetings of a station, sector organisation or other grantee.

In any grey areas, staff are expected to seek clarification from the CEO prior to making any commitments.

To be considered alongside Staff Conflict of Interest Policy & Register. First approved by the CBF Board on August 2013. Last reviewed March 2022. Download our Staff Professional Development Policy (PDF, 342KB). Please contact us if you require a Microsoft Word version of this document.