Staff Conflict of Interest

The Community Broadcasting Foundation acknowledges that its employees often have experience in the community broadcasting sector. We value and encourage engagement with the sector and consider this is to be a strength that informs and brings important perspective to our role as grant-maker and funder.

Sustaining involvement in voluntary broadcasting or voluntary activities in the community broadcasting sector will not, in and of itself, disqualify an employee from exercising discretionary powers on behalf of CBF.


Where CBF employees are required to make recommendations regarding grants or project development of any kind, the CBF expects that its employees exercise any discretionary powers with complete impartiality.

The CBF Employment Agreement states CBF Staff should: disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with CBF employment and ensure that others do the same.

CBF employees are not permitted to receive any remuneration from any community station or sector organisation in any capacity at any time during their term of employment.

The CBF requires the following strict protocols are followed to ensure any conflict of interest – perceived or in practice – is managed with rigour and transparency:

  • All CBF employees are required to complete a Conflict-of-Interest Declaration Register.
  • Recommendations on grant funding or any project development for a particular community broadcasting program or station – whether in cash or in kind – cannot be made by an employee of the CBF who has an ongoing connection with that program or station.
  • In the event an employee has declared an actual or potential conflict of interest, any advice on grant funding for that station or program must be deferred to a line manager and/or CEO.
  • In the event of a disagreement between an employee and line Manager regarding the execution of the clauses outlined above, the CEO will refer this to the Chair of the Board. Written submissions shall be made, and the Board’s decision shall be final.

All staff are required to complete the CBF Conflict of Interest Staff Declaration Register.

This policy needs to be considered alongside Staff Professional Development Policy.

First approved by the Board in August 2020. Download the CBF Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF, 824KB). Please contact us if you require a Microsoft Word version of this document.