Late Application

We try to set a deadline that is fair for all applicants. Usually this will be in the middle of the week, so that CBF staff and volunteers can begin processing and assessing as soon as possible, and in the middle of the day so that CBF team members are available to support any technical difficulties across all time zones.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their grant applications well in advance of the due date to allow extra time for any unexpected delays and/or time to correct any errors identified by CBF grants administrators.

It is unfair to all other applicants if an applicant is given an extra hour, day or week to complete their application. That is an extra hour, day or week that other applicants were not allowed to complete their applications.

The CBF may accept a late application where there are exceptional circumstances beyond the applicant’s control that meant that the deadline could not be met.

There is a two-week window of consideration after the application due date and time, during which time the CBF might consider accepting a late application. Acceptance of late applications will be determined on a case-by-case basis, dependent upon the explanation provided.

The CBF will not accept any applications received beyond the window of consideration.

How to lodge a late application

An applicant must contact the member of the Grants Support Team responsible after the closing date and time to initially discuss their request to submit a late application.

Sometimes a request to lodge a late application may be required in writing to the CBF. This will be determined by the Grants Support Team member responsible following the initial discussion.

For a written request, only an explanatory letter or email is needed, however the applicant may provide documentary evidence to support the exceptional circumstances. Examples of documentary evidence could include weather or news reports, medical certificates and confirmation of power outages.

While the reasons for late application submission are sometimes personal in nature, specific information about the timing and cause of the delay should be provided so an informed, objective decision can be made. This request is available only to members of the CBF Support Team. It is not shared with our Board, Grants Advisory Committee, Grants Assessors or other staff.

The Grants Support Team member responsible will determine whether a late application will be considered and accepted. Discussion with other Grant Support Team members may occur in order to ensure consistency of practice and application is being applied to this policy and matters of a confidential nature will be considered as such.

If the request to lodge a late application is agreed with the Grants Support Team member responsible, the applicant must submit the application within the timeframe determined by the Grants Support Team member.

How a late application request will be considered

The Grants Support Team member responsible will determine whether there were exceptional circumstances beyond the applicant’s control that meant that the deadline could not be met. Examples of exceptional circumstances could include, but are not limited to:

  • Significant CBF infrastructure failures
  • Extreme weather, natural disasters or other emergency situations
  • Power outages that meant the applicant could not submit the application by the deadline
  • Death or disability of key personnel.

Examples of reasons why late applications will not be accepted:

  • Personal events
  • A very busy schedule
  • A misunderstanding of the due date and time, or a miscalculation of the time zone of the deadline
  • A lack of awareness of the grant opportunity until it is too late to prepare an application
  • Time management issues at the application organisation
  • Ongoing or non-severe health problems
  • Problems with computer systems at the applicant organisation
  • Failure to follow instructions in the application or promotional materials.

No CBF team member has the authority to give permission in advance for submission of a late application. All applicants should therefore make their best effort to meet the application due date and time and discuss their needs for a late application with their Grant Support Team member only after the deadline has passed.

CBF team members will investigate reports of SmartyGrants computer system issues on a case-by-case basis. If SmartyGrants confirms a computer system issue, the application will not be considered late so long as the applicant works diligently with the CBF to ensure the submission process is completed in a timely manner.

First approved by the Board on 1 June 2018. Last reviewed by the Board on 23 March 2024. Download our  Late Application Policy (PDF, 327KB). Please contact us if you require a Microsoft Word version of this document.