Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) supports First Nations Voice to Parliament
The Community Broadcasting Foundation supports a yes vote to enshrine a Voice in the Constitution, so that First Nations perspectives and aspirations are heard in the development of laws and policies that affect them.
Community broadcasters are united by guiding principles as set out in their Codes of Practice. They include promoting harmony and diversity and contributing to an inclusive, cohesive and culturally diverse Australian community; and pursuing the principles of democracy, access and equity, especially for people and issues not adequately represented in other media.
It’s important to us in our role supporting community broadcasting that we hear the voices of First Nations peoples. Community broadcasting builds on traditions of connecting with each other through songlines and storytelling, practices that have been central to First Nations cultures and knowledge for millennia. We honour and celebrate First Nations cultures and history – this respect is central to how we work.
The referendum presents a simple question to Australians: should First Nations people be able to speak about matters that affect them: yes or no. A Voice to Parliament will give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a mechanism to contribute their ideas to resolve issues and the opportunity to share their hopes and dreams for future generations.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart invites all Australians to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people towards a better future. The Community Broadcasting Foundation accepts this invitation without reservation and we support voting yes to a Voice to Parliament.
How you can support
Learn more about the upcoming referendum with useful resources and tools.
Image: CBF President Ian Hamm and CBF Vice President Esther Pearce.