The East Kimberley is a diverse multicultural region where First Nations’ peoples and others from around the world have made towns like Kununurra and Wyndham their home. Tense social divisions, often along the lines of race and class, mean that many who live here don’t get the chance to hear other people’s stories and learn how their combined experiences contribute to making the East Kimberley unique.
Bukola Esin is the producer of My Dawang (My Country), a radio and video series featuring conversations with East Kimberley locals. She believes that connecting people through personal stories is a powerful way to break down cultural barriers and foster mutual respect and community cohesiveness.
Getting to know someone, learning about their background and where they have come from is where trust, understanding and friendship begins.
My Dawang (My Country) gives people the opportunity to share their lives and cultures through personal stories and individual interests such as fishing, cooking, dancing and yoga.
Our support for the production of the series helped to bring together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures to celebrate the region’s diversity and highlight community strengths.
The series is broadcast on 6WR Waringarri Radio in the East Kimberley and shared with other local transmission partners. Content is also distributed through online platforms.
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