Roadmap: We’re nearly there!

May 31, 2023

Roadmap 2033: Consensus is being formed

The first prototype of Roadmap 2033 is now being refined after the latest round of consultation with the community broadcasting sector. This stage is called Consensus on the Roadmap timeline and is the final stage of the process that will end with the CBAA and CBF Boards jointly endorsing the Roadmap.

There has been significant work happening to refine the wording and concepts and test the robustness of the thinking behind the Roadmap.

Consultation Sessions

Ten virtual community consultation sessions are underway with the last one being held this Friday. These two hour sessions will give more than 200 people the chance to reality-check the strategic pillars and objectives and identify what resonated most.

Conversation Circles

In late April, community broadcasters were invited to host a conversation circle and submit feedback to the Discussion Paper.

Sixteen submissions were received in a variety of formats including written submissions, transcripts, video recordings and emails. Some organisations shared feedback from multiple conversation circles which helped us gain a good insight into a broad range of perspectives. Submissions were received from sector organisations, stations and individuals.

New resources

There are several new resources now available on the Roadmap website:

Also, watch a short video about the Roadmap Congress held in Melbourne in late April. It shares the flavour of the event and captures the energy and and enthusiasm of the 64 broadcasters in the room.

Next steps

The prototype will be revised after the consultation groups have finished, together with any feedback from community broadcasters and Government.

The revised Roadmap will then be presented to a joint meeting of the CBAA and CBF Boards on 21 June for endorsement.