Carol North-Samardzic has been volunteering with 89.3FM 2GLF in the Liverpool and Fairfield region of New South Wales since 2002. Over two decades she has produced radio programs, trained new presenters and held board positions. A large part of her role has been outdoor broadcasts particularly at weekend NRL and soccer games.
Tell us about your background
I grew up in England before migrating to Australia to teach special needs students. In Australia I taught and led the team that developed the first HSC syllabus in Macedonian. I also developed and assessed HSC examinations. I was a curriculum developer for special needs students including those who are gifted and talented. I set up and chaired examinations for NAATI interpreters and translators for 15 years. I then returned to schools and served as a Principal for a number of years.
How did you get into community broadcasting?
When I was a student in England I was the President of the Communications Committee which involved running a radio station and a regular student newspaper. This was when I acquired many of the skills that have been useful in community radio. After I retired, I listed my skills and returned to radio. I have worked at 2GLF as a volunteer, assisted at 2RRR and been part of a number of stations, as part of my work as a CMTO trainer.
Why did you sign up to be a CBF assessor?
I have completed assessments all of my life. For a while I was an assessor for the NSW Police as part of their promotions process. I was a member of assessment centres and interview panels. I also did this for NSW government departments.
I assessed final year students for suitability for employment in the NSW education system. I currently assess aspiring students as part of their application to attend a medical course. So, I thought surely, I can assess CBF grant applications!
Community broadcasting is important because…
…it allows people to use existing skills or develop new ones. Community radio provides what the national and commercial sectors do not. True local content.
About being a grant assessor
Interested in becoming a grant assessor? Read more about what a grant assessor does.
The CBF seeks nominations all year round to its Grants Assessor Team. Our team of volunteer Grant Assessors independently review, score and provide advice on grant applications to our Grants Advisory Committees.
Keen to get started? Nominate to be a grant assessor here.