Catch CBF at the next sector event!

October 9, 2024
Woman speaking into a microphone conference room to a large audience standing up in a crowded room

Thinking of attending an upcoming sector event?   Catch us at the next one!  The CBF is thrilled to be presenting at and participating in a series of community broadcasting sector conferences this year:

Why should I attend?

‘One of the most valuable things about attending conferences is genuinely finding out what is happening at both a station and sector level’, shares CBF Grant Support Team member Sheah Sutton.

‘People from stations get to ask “what if” kind of questions, to test the waters for upcoming grant ideas. They can get feedback straight away and discussions can lead to other possibilities.’ says CBF Grant Support Team member Dean Linguey.

‘It’s also important to remember that there will always be new people attending conferences who may not have any idea who the CBF are and what we do, so I like to start from the very beginning, introduce the organisation and then our grants programs and what we fund.  Similarly it’s an amazing opportunity to connect with the many community broadcasters who volunteer as assessors for the CBF’ explains Sheah.

CBF in action

At this year’s National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcaster’s Council (NEMBC) Conference, our CEO Jo Curtin led The Women’s Session – a fantastic networking opportunity for women across the sector and a forum for many important discussions on the role of multicultural female broadcasters in the context of the Roadmap 2033.

At Technorama’s T24 this year, we heard from our Grant Support Team member Dean Linguey about the latest updates on sector coordination grants, the Community Broadcasting Sector Sustainability Review and the CBF’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

This year’s South Australian Community Broadcasters Association (SACBA) Conference opened with a Station Round Up: ‘an opportunity for every station in attendance to provide a quick update of the past 12 months, the good, the bad and everything in between. The stations talk about programming, OBs, funding and income, volunteers and community engagement.  It’s a great way to get a snapshot of the challenges and triumphs.  It also highlights concerns that may be common across the sector’ explains Sheah.

Where we’ll be next

Keen to chat and hear from the CBF at an upcoming event?  Here is where you can catch us next:

CBAA Conference  17 – 19 October 2024
QT, Gold Coast/, Queensland
Register here:

First Nations Media Australia (FNMA) CONVERGE 2024 :  19 – 21 November 2024
Novotel Hotel, Canberra/Ngambri
Register here:

We’ve love to hear from you!

What has been your experience with the CBF at sector events?  What would you like to hear about from the CBF at the next conference?  We’d love to hear your thoughts.  You can also subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with upcoming sector news and events.


[Photo:  CBF CEO Jo Curtin presenting at the SACBA Conference 2024]