The CBF Grants Support Team held three webinars to support grant applicants and answer their questions. Included below is a full replay of each webinar as well as the team’s top takeaways.
Specialist Radio Programming grants
Top takeaways:
- Don’t forget to demonstrate consultation with specialist radio broadcasters
- Make sure your budget corresponds with the funding guide in the grant guidelines
- If applying for new programs make sure you attach a program sample.
Budget, timeline and gender questions
Top takeaways:
- Don’t forget to demonstrate other financial contributions if you are applying for more than $25k
- Start your application early so you can gather all info required
- If applying for a joint project you need to demonstrate agreement between all parties
Grant objectives and outcomes
Top takeaways:
- Always make sure you address the key assessment criteria: Idea, Impact & Planning
- Focus on one grant objective only
- Make your outcomes realistic
About our grants
We run two Content and Development & Operations grant rounds each year, usually in January and July.
Quick Response grants are also available outside our grant rounds for community media organisations that are experiencing emergencies.
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