Radio 1RPH is a community radio broadcaster in Canberra/Ngambri that provides a radio reading service to people with loss of vision or reading difficulties, as well as to the general listening public.
As a recipient of the Development & Operations Round 1 2021/22, the station received CBF funding to subsidise transmission and operational costs as well as maintenance of transmission facilities. Due to the impact of the pandemic on volunteers and the community, it was 1RPH’s high priority to provide homebound listeners with varied and relevant programming. Dedicated volunteers maintained 30 hours of live daily newspaper readings and a high level of new and first-run recorded programs to fill up daily schedules.
36 regular magazine-based and topical programs were recorded and broadcast each week and a total of 25 new book readings were played over the year, including six young adult books. Volunteers recorded much of this content from home due to the ongoing impacts and restrictions of COVID-19.
Notwithstanding community activities being suspended in recent years, 1RPH managed to run their Blind Training Program for four participants to undertake radio editing training, purchased and installed six new computers, installed solar panels reducing power costs and renewed their five-year ACMA licence.
Photo: New volunteer Teresa with Ron Rand, Producers ‘From Another Time’ on 1RPH