Request for Proposal – CBF Restructure Review

December 22, 2021

We’re inviting submissions from suitably qualified consultants to provide independent, expert advice and guidance on the review of the CBF organisational structure, governance systems and funding model implemented in 2016.

The review will include consultation with our key stakeholders, reviewing the successes of the restructure, and providing recommendations for additional areas for improvement.


In 2016, we conducted a self-imposed review of the CBF structure and governance systems and processes to determine what organisational structure, governance arrangements and funding model (funding allocations, grant programs and grant categories) we should adopt to best meet the needs of the community broadcasting sector.

It is now time for us to review whether the structures and processes implemented continue to meet the current and future needs of our very diverse community media sector.

Request for Proposal information

For more information about the 2016 restructure and the upcoming review, please read the following documents:


Please contact Rachel Rees on (03) 8341 5933 if you have any questions or need more information.

If you would like to receive updates about this request for proposal, please email your contact details to Rachel as soon as possible.

In accordance with the procurement schedule, questions from interested consultants will close at Monday 24 January 2022 at 12pm (AEST).

How to submit your proposal

All proposals must be emailed to Rachel Rees


Submissions are now closed.