Australia is one of the most diverse countries in the world, a melting pot of vibrant cultures. Project One Million, a series of short films entitled I am Australian, celebrates these cultures with positive storytelling and tackles racism. Circulated via digital media, the films produced by C31 Melbourne and Geelong aimed to increase their viewers’ understanding of marginalised communities and encouraging social cohesion. Production of these films by the team at Youthworx also provided valuable training opportunities for young people who were either homeless or at risk of homelessness.
For viewers, Project One Million offered unique insight into marginalised communities. For those involved in the production, the experience had the potential to transform their lives. Episodes entitled I am Australian featured a range of Australians including Leonie, AFL footballer Aliir Allir, First Nations activist and ex-AFL footballer Michael Long OAM and Chandra, an Australian passionate about volunteering.
View their stories below and visit the Project One Million YouTube channel to see more Project One Million stories, proudly supported with funding from the CBF.